



Political Science


Whether you’re up late watching returns on election night, watching regimes change halfway across the globe, or following the events at your local school board, political science links us to the political world we live in.

It’s all about power: who has it, how they get it, and how they use it.

Here at Birmingham-南部, we blend traditional classroom learning with hands-on tools like simulations, internships and research. You’ll develop the research skills you’ll need for whatever comes next, whether it's business, 政府, 法学院, or graduate work.

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Chart your course with 澳门新葡京官网 Political Science!


Why study Political Science at 澳门新葡京官网?

  • We take on a huge range of topics addressing the most pressing issues of our time, from human rights to political violence to civil rights and justice. We look closely at the role of the media in politics and study development and democratization around the globe.
  • Seniors usually take on a full-term research project and also conduct a public presentation of their scholarship. 除了, faculty and students work together each year to develop an annual statewide survey, which will teach you to analyze data and develop your communications skills
  • You can study abroad, with international Exploration-term classes on global media in Europe, service learning in Latin America, development in Southeast Asia, 和更多的.
  • We offer internships in 法律, politics, 政府 and the not-for-profit sector. Recent political science majors have held internships with the A+ Education Foundation in Montgomery, 阿拉巴马州.; Bread for the World in Washington, D.C.; the Clinton Global Initiative in New York; and Operation New Birmingham in Birmingham, 阿拉巴马州bama

    Political Science – Success stories

    澳门新葡京官网 political science graduates often attend graduate or professional school, including 法学院, or go on to work in policy and the non-profit world, among many other careers. Our majors have gone on to long and distinguished careers at all levels of 政府:

    The United States Senate 
    The United States House of Representatives
    State and local 政府 postitions
    political consulting
    policy analysis

    WEBB LYONS ‘06 / Political Science
    Student at Yale Law School

    I’ve been fortunate to have three great experiences since leaving Birmingham-南部— working on homelessness legislation and policy in Washington, DC; leading local initiatives on obesity funded by the CDC on behalf of THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION in Birmingham; and now being a student at Yale Law School. In each of these experiences, I have been prepared to excel, thanks in large part to majoring in political science at 澳门新葡京官网.


    Political Science – Learning outcomes

    Political science studies how people use power to interact with each other in groups and societies. We look at what people do when they have control and how it changes depending on where they are from. We use theories and research from sociology, political psychology, media studies, economics, etc. Our students learn how to communicate their findings effectively to various audiences. They also have the opportunity to do internships, work with professionals, and get involved in politics.

    After graduation, our students go on to 法学院, graduate studies, 公共服务, or work in the private sector. Some recent graduates have become Truman Scholars, Fulbright Scholars, 扶轮的澳门新葡京官网, elected officials, 说客, 政策分析人士, well-known 法律yers, business entrepreneurs, Foreign Service Officers, 记者, and community leaders.

    After completing the political science major, students will be able to

    • Explain American politics and comparative politics.
    • Appraise and use political theories from different traditions.
    • Formulate research questions and hypotheses.
    • Use critical thinking, research, and analysis skills.
    • Communicate research results orally and in writing professionally, which engages the audience.


    文森特T. Gawronski
    Professor of Political Science

    Assistant Professor of Political Science

    Desiree' Melonas
    Assistant Professor of Political Science